Audi Q5: Antilock Brake System
ABS Repair Instructions
ABS malfunctions do not affect the brake system and the
booster. Conventional brake system stays operative even without
ABS. A change in braking behavior should be checked. W
Overview - Control Module and Hydraulic Unit
1 - ABS Hydraulic Unit -N55- with ABS Control Module -J104-
Installed location: in the front left engine compartment.
Refer to
→ Chap
Overview - Front Axle Speed Sensor
1 - Speed Sensor
Right Front ABS Wheel Speed Sensor -G45-/Left Front ABS Wheel Speed
Sensor -G47-
Refer to → Chapter "Right/Left Front ABS Whee
Correctly adjusted head restraints are an important
part of your vehicle's occupant restraint system
and can help to reduce the risk of injuries in
accident situations.
Fig. 152 Head restraint: viewed from the front
The head restraints must be correctly adjusted to
achieve the best protection.
General Description:
Risk of injury. Follow all warning messages and
safety precautions. Refer to
→ Chapter "Warnings and Safety Precautions".
It is not necessary to disconnect or remove the Battery -A-
when using the Battery Tester -VAS6161-.
The Battery Tester -VAS6161-