Audi Q5 Owners & Service Manuals

Audi Q5: Offroad driving


 General information

The operation of the Electronic Stabilization Control (ESC) is expanded for operation away from paved roads. In situations where slip or a differential locking function is required, the offroad mode c

 Driving tips

On poor road and offroad, there is always only one motto: Plan ahead and drive slowly! Please observe the following when driving away from paved roads: Drive only on roads and offroad sections which

 Trailer mode


 In curves

Applies to vehicles: with Audi adaptive cruise control Fig. 117 Example: driving into a curve When driving into a curve > fig. 117 and out of a curve, the adaptive cruise control may react to a vehicle in the next lane and apply the brakes. You can override or prevent the braking by pressing the

 Yellow symbols

Fig. 24 Display: Yellow warning symbol When a yellow warning symbol appears, one warning tone sounds. A driver message appears as well to explain the malfunction in more detail. The driver warning goes out after about 5 seconds, but it can be brought up at any time by pressing the button again

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