Audi Q5 Owners & Service Manuals

Audi Q5: Trailer mode


 Driving with a trailer

General information Your Audi was designed primarily for passenger transportation. If you plan to tow a trailer, please remember that the additional load Will affect durability, economy and performan

 Operating instructions

Fig. 189 Permitted ball position of the trailer hitch Trailer towing weights With a factory-installed or an aftermarket trailer hitch, the maximum permissible trailer weight is 4,400 lbs (2,000 kg) T

 Driving instructions

Driving with о trailer always requires extra care and consideration. To obtain the best possible handling of vehicle and trailer, please note the following: Do not tow a loaded trailer when your ca


 Wheel bolts and rims

Wheel bolts Wheel bolts must be clean and loosen/tighten easily. Rims Rims with a bolted rim ring or with bolted wheel covers consist of multiple pieces. These components were bolted together using special bolts and a special procedure. You must not repair or disassemble them. WARNING Wheel bolts

 Safety belts

Fastening safety belts Safety first - everybody buckle up! Fig. 160 Belt buckle and tongue on the driver's seat To provide maximum protection, safety belts must always be positioned correctly on the wearer's body. Adjust the front seat and head restraint properly. Make sure the seatback of the r

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